Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 69: A Little of This, A Little of That (in HDR)

Greetings all. Sorry about yesterday's lame post. I don't know that today's will be any better, but at least I have three different HDR photos for you today. That's something, I guess. It's still crummy and rainy out, and we're supposed to get dumped on with snow tonight. Fun fun. I'm so sick of this weather. It keeps me from getting out and taking pictures. Instead, I have to do things like these photos. Granted two of the three are technically outside, but still...

The first one is from the front of the Book Nook. There was a puddle outside on the sidewalk (duh, you can all see the picture), so I took a reflective photo in three exposures. Here's the composite.

Composited in Aperture using Photomatix HDR Plug-In.
Click image for larger version.

The next one is from inside. I got in close on one of our comic book racks and took it. Most of these photos I decided on today were because I was curious what would happen if I composited them in HDR. And of course, it didn't work. I'm not sure what happened in the plug-in, but it wouldn't even give me a preview image for this photo. So, sorry that I wasted your time with this paragraph...

On to the next one, I suppose. I took this one from in the back of the Book Nook. There's a small staircase that goes down to the back entrance. So I stood down there and angled my camera a little and shot up (at three exposures). There must have been some camera shake that I didn't notice on the longest exposure because the HDR image came out a little fuzzy. But it's still kind of neat, I guess.

Composited in Aperture using Photomatix HDR Plug-In.
Click image for larger version.

Well, I tried that second one one last time, but it still didn't work. Sorry 'bout that. Two out of three ain't bad though. I'm not sure what I'll photograph tomorrow. Like I said, it's supposed to be pretty crappy out tomorrow. And I'm supposed to play at the Book Nook. We'll see to both of those, depending on the weather. Check back. Ya know, if ya'll wants ta.

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