Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 68: Burn Baby Burn

So I was really really lazy today. Really lazy. I woke up, watched last week's Smallville (no more episodes until April...), watched some tv, took a nap, went to see The Adjustment Bureau (which was really good; I recommend seeing it), then came home, ate some dinner, and now here we are. You'll notice that none of those things involved my camera. It was a really dreary, rainy day, and I didn't feel like going anywhere to take photos and what I could take here just seemed lame. Thus, today's photo. At the end of all of this (a.k.a. five minutes ago), I decided that this would be what I photographed and composited into an HDR image.

1/5 sec. exposure at F/3.5. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.
Unfortunately, when I composited this (and the two other photos) into the HDR image, it was really bad. So instead, here is the normal exposure of the image. My tripod was in my car, and it's rainy and like I said, I'm lazy today, so I didn't feel like going to get it (the reason the HDR came out bad is that the long/bright exposure was a little shaky so the plug-in couldn't align the images properly).

Sorry that today was so lame. I promise tomorrow will be much, much better. Cross my heart.

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