Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 58: Mattresses Are Not Always For Beds

I took a trip to Pittsburgh today. I went down with my good friend Jess (the very same Jess that won the January contest) for a class trip to the Mattress Factory. For those of you unfamiliar, the Mattress Factory is an art museum in Pittsburgh. It deals primarily with modern/experimental/avant-garde art. It was really fun. One of the pieces was literally us standing in total darkness. It was strange and surreal.

The staircase to get to the upper floors are actually separate from the building, and then there's a small walkway to the building. Luckily for me, these walkways give a great view of the city.

1/100 sec. exposure at F/9. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.
I like that this view includes the really awesome homes/
buildings in the foreground with the city just kind of stuck in there at the end. Pittsburgh really is a pretty awesome city, regardless of what I was raised to think (as a Browns "fan"). I could definitely see myself living there, or at least near there, someday.

The next photo is of one of the installation pieces in the annex. I didn't take any photos of any of the art except for this one. I did this for several reasons, but the biggest one was that these pieces aren't meant to be photographed--no matter how cool the photos might look. These are art pieces that are meant to be experienced. My photography could never ever do them justice. That said, I just liked the perspective I could get on this shot mostly. So I took it.

1/30 sec. exposure at F/3.5. ISO 200.
Click image for larger version.
The artist (forgive me, I forgot his/her name) took a ton of these small, wood boxes and put them through various levels of burning. They were then stacked and piled and nailed to the walls all the way up and around the whole entrance room to the annex.

One more day. One day more. Tomorrow's the last day of the month! While I've gotten some (not many) comments for the contest, I could always use some more! So.... tell me what you're favorite photo(s) of the month is (are)! Back to the Oscars.

Side note: I didn't realize Dogtooth was nominated for Best Foreign Language film until just a second ago, but if you get the chance to watch it (it's streaming on Netflix) do so. It's INSANE. Bye!

1 comment:

  1. We will have to go there again when they change the exhibitions. I had so much fun--I usually don't giggle in museums, but the disco room was just too awesome!
