Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 56: Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head

But it's okay. I was in my car, so they didn't really fall on my head. As I was driving home earlier today, it was raining/snowing, and my car's speed mixed with the wind was making the water on my windshield streak in a really cool way. Of course, I just have to put my life in danger to get you guys great photos, so I started snapping. The hardest part was getting the streaks in focus. Yes, the hardest part about driving and taking photos at the same time wasn't steering. It was keeping my photos in focus. Anyway.

1/40 sec. exposure at F/7.1. ISO 200.
Click image for larger version.

I made several adjustments in Aperture to try and bring out the streaks more (Adjusted Highlights all the way up; increased Contrast a bit). I think it came out okay. If I had more time/less fear of dying, I would have tried taking some more, but I figured this was good enough. Or if someone else was driving. Yeah, that probably would have worked too.

Soooo.... There are only 3 days left this month. And no one is commenting! Do you not want a free photo? Or is it that they all suck this month? Or is it that they're all so awesome you can't choose just one? Whatever the case: start commenting! Pretty please? Go here to read the rules. And then.....


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