Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 49: A Real Turkey Shoot

Hey and hello. Hi. Howdy. I am super sleepy again today. I've been playing racquetball, and this is the first week that we played three times (Monday, Wednesday, and Today (Friday)). On top of all the reading I've been doing, I'm pretty exhausted. Which is why I'm glad that I kind of lucked into today's photos. As I was driving home from campus today, I noticed a whole flock (is that what they're called?) of wild turkeys in a corn field. I swung my car around and tried to get to them as quickly as I could. Unfortunately, I couldn't really get close enough to get any kind of a good shot. This was as close as I got.

1/200 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

They kept moving farther and farther away from me no matter how close I tried to get. Smart; I could have been a hunter. It was pretty mucky and nasty or I might have tried to keep following. Plus, I left my car running and I was already pretty far away from it. I was getting paranoid that someone was going to steal my car.

As I was walking back though, I decided to take a few shots from low in between some of the stalk stump rows that were in the field. They came out okay. I wish I would have left my other lens on though (I changed lenses in my car before hand because I knew I'd need one with a bit more zoom to try and get the turkeys). The regular lens I use has a bit wider area of view on it which is (in my opinion) better for those low perspective shots. Still, this one ain't bad.

1/800 sec. exposure at F/4. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

There ya go. Make sure you check back tomorrow. Not only is it my 50th day in a row shooting (!), but I'll also be announcing the details for the February contest. It will be very similar to the January one, but with a few changes. Until then, take care and all that jazz.

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