Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 45: The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn...

Happy Valentine's Day everybody! For those of you that don't know, Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday. I'm not really sure why, but I just always have. For some reason Valentine's Day is the one day that I don't get bummed out about being alone. It's highly contradictory (and don't get me wrong; I'd love to have someone special to share the day with), I know.

Today's photo is nothing special, except that it's full of special things to me. I basically gathered up a bunch of objects from around the house that I "love". Some of these are quite obvious (Superman, the Cubs, the movie and TV shows) and others become representations of something greater (my running shoe, the baton, the ukulele). I know the photo itself isn't anything to write home to ma and pa about, but I wanted to do something revolving around love for today's post because it's a love kind of day. And since I can't go around taking photos of all of you to include (I know. Sappy, right?), it's the next best thing.

Click image for larger version.

I didn't include the camera settings today. I figured there's nothing really that technical happening in this photo (other than the insane balancing act--it took forever to get some of that stuff to stay put) so why bother with it today.

That's all I have today. I was going to take some photos after work, before class, but it got all crummy outside again. I suppose those'll have to wait another day. I hope you all have a great Valentine's Day. Thanks for stopping by. Love ya!

1 comment:

  1. Hey I didn't see a picture of me in there!!! And I love you lots!!!!

    Let me know if you get this post!!!

