Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 5: Yeah, I Got Nothing

Don't even bother reading today. I really don't have much to post. I took a few pictures, but honestly I've been running around all day putting finishing touches on my application so I didn't have much time. So you're getting a post, but unfortunately it isn't much of one.

The first photo I took when I was in the library today. I tried to get the same perspective that I saw, but I couldn't get it to go "deep" enough. Looking through this gap was actually a pretty cool view, but when I tried to snap a picture of it the depth of field stayed pretty shallow. I didn't have my tripod with me so I couldn't set a higher aperture to get more depth, so this is what I came out with.
.3 sec exposure at F/6.3. ISO 400.
Click here for larger image.

The next picture I took while I was driving (like Day 1's photos, probably not the best idea). But the light was coming through the clouds in a pretty awesome way. But lucky me, I was driving down one of the main roads that runs through Indiana, so all of the pictures I tried to take had buildings/lights/wires/etc. in them.

1/125 sec. exposure at F/6.3. ISO 100.
Click here for larger picture.

So yeah. Sorry about today. Sadly, I can't promise there won't be more like this in the future (especially once the semester starts), but I'll do my best to make them few and far between. Over the next few days I'm going to be installing Apple Aperture 3 (the trial for now), so I think I'm going to take some pictures in RAW so I can mess around with some post-processing. Just fair warning, I might not take a lot of really great pictures (not that I take really great pictures on a regular basis). I just really want to get some practice with both RAW and Aperture so I can improve things in the future. That's it for today. Again, I'm really sorry that it was a lame day. Ta-ta for now.

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