Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 23: A Day Late and A Dollar Short

Hello blog-world! Sorry again about yesterday. But I did take pictures and have every intention of posting last night, but our internet went out in the house. So I'm doing yesterday's post right now and I'll do today's post as soon as this one is finished.  We have a theory that it's so cold out at night that it's literally freezing our internet from working. It was -8 when I woke up to go to work. Did I mention that our pipes froze as well? Yeah, so no shower for me yet today. Oh, and my windshield cracked from the cold yesterday too. I'm having a great couple of days, let me tell you.

But there is some good news to share. Unfortunately, I didn't get to share it on the day it happened (yesterday, the 23rd). I'm an Uncle! Officially, anyways. I've had "nieces" and "nephews", but this is my first blood nephew. So congratulations to Heidi and Jayme. And everyone else, say a little welcome in your brain to Kohen Andrew. Hopefully I'll get to meet the little bugger soon. Anyways, on to the photos.

I drove into town (town meaning Indiana, PA) just before sunset to take pictures. There's a church that sits high up on a hill, and I've always wanted to see what kind of view and pictures could happen from up there. Well, here's one:
1/80 sec. exposure at F/6.3. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

Not bad, eh? I was a little bit disappointed with the actual sunset, but it's still a nice vantage point to get clear of trees/
cars/etc. I also took a series of shots at different exposures to try some HDR again. I think this one came out the best of any of the HDRs I've done so far. Still not as cool as some HDR I've seen, but it's a step in the right direction. I've shown all of the photos below, with the final image (obviously. It's still watermarked) being the composite HDR image.

1/13 sec. exposure at F/6.3.
ISO 100.

1/50 sec. exposure at F/6.3.
ISO 100.

HDR composite.
Click image for larger version.

1/200 sec. exposure at F/6.3.
ISO 100.

Okay, I've spent too much time trying to make those pictures line up evenly. So, deal with it. The next post will be fairly short. Just had some fun at work today and took one picture (well, several of the same). Thanks for your patience with my stupid internet. Don't forget about the contest. Seriously. No one has commented yet, which is basically telling me that no one is looking at the blog. So I'm going to call you all pooper-heads since no one will read it anyways. Sayonara!

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