Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 10: Ugggghhhh....

Yeah, so it looks like it's gonna be another boring post day. Nothing I took pictures of came out good today. Which means it's a one photo day. And I apologize for this one even.
1/15 sec. exposure at F/6.3. ISO 400.
Click here for larger image.
This is a picture of a leaf, but it's not a real leaf. It's a fake one. But not a leaf-like fake leaf. It's glass. Confused yet? Good, it'll distract you from how stupid this picture is. This little guy hangs down off of a windchime in the back of the Book Nook. I held it up so the ceiling lights shone through it and snapped the picture. Of course, I messed with it in Aperture, because it's what I do lately. I do like the way the veins became very bright green, but the rest of it is dumb. I tried to change things so that the veins stayed bright and stood out like this, but the rest of the picture dimmed away, but I couldn't get it to work. What's left is this piece of work.

Again, I apologize for the weak sauce that is today's post. I wish I could say that tomorrow or Wednesday will be better, but I'm at work again so let's face it, you might get a crappy couple of days worth of photos. But make sure you check back, I promise I'll get back to some good ones soon! Don't let the door hit you on the way out. No. I mean it. It swings shut in a very violent manner.

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