Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 31: Get Low

Well, I did it. I made it one month and took pictures every single day! I'm actually really proud of myself for doing it because there were definitely a few days there where I thought, "Self, you've got stuff you could pass off as today's pictures." But then I forced myself to just get out there and do it. And I'm glad. Of course some of those days, I probably should have just used something else because they were pretty crummy. And today's no exception. It is pretty hard to follow up yesterday's though (in my opinion).

Today's photo comes from the Book Nook again, and it draws inspiration from yesterday's photo. I really liked the low angle of the shot; it gave it great perspective. So I used the same low angle shot today, instead shooting up at our book racks. It's pretty cool, for the most part, but nothing spectacular.
1/8 sec. exposure at F/7.1. ISO 400.
Click image for larger version.

I had to take it at a faster exposure. Because of the light in the store, the slower exposures were giving me some camera shake and blur. So I sped the shutter speed up and just adjusted the exposure in Aperture afterwards. It came out pretty well lit. I just really like the expanse that these shots can get into them. The Book Nook is a really big store front-to-back, yet I got almost the entire set of racks in this (obviously you can't to see the end, but you can see where it actually is). Plus I like the illusory nature of the photo. Depending on how you look at it, it's tough to tell what's really going on.

January's officially in the books, but you still have until I wake up tomorrow morning to comment for the contest. I will post the winner once I draw a name, so make sure you check back tomorrow. Good luck to those of you that have already commented (and thanks), and good luck to those of you that will comment tonight (the rest of you better). Ch-ch-check you later!

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