Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 13: The Lack of Birds and B

Today's photo adventure taught me two things. One, birds are waaaay smarter than me. Second, Elderton, PA has a surprising number of white/beige/cream colored buildings. To talk about the first point, I found a bunch of birds perched on some shrubbery behind our house. I was ninja-like in my quietness, but everytime I got close enough to take a picture, they flew away. So then I moved to the other side of the shrubs (the side they were on originally), hoping they would land there and I could then take the picture. But no, they landed on the other side. I went back and forth for about 10 minutes before giving up. In other words, Brandon is dumb, Birds are smart.

After that ten minutes, I walked around Elderton looking for something good to photograph with all of the snow we got. Trouble is, everything in Elderton is neutral toned. It doesn't stand out. But lucky for you, I did find (well, it wasn't hard) a fire hydrant in front of our house.
1/60 sec. exposure at F/3.5. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.
It's a nifty picture, but nothing special. I just like the way the red stands out from the snow in the background. Not much else to say about this really.

I did take some other pics while walking around E-town, but not much worth posting. And by that point, I was chilled to the bizz-one and needed to get inside.

Never fear, my little bloggies, I've gots one more pic to share from today. We're starting to get some icicles forming off our roof, and in particular this little gem was dangling off our back porch light. So when Reggie and I got back from a grocery trip, I grabbed my camera, flipped on the light and took this photo. The only thing I changed in Aperture with this shot was I turned the exposure down as far as it would go.
1/4 sec. exposure at F/4.5. ISO 200.
Click image for larger version.

I think it gave it a better depth being darker in the background and the lines of the siding going into said darkness. It also toned down how bright the actual light was. I really like this one, if I may say so.

That about does it for this January day. It was nice to get out and walk around, even if I didn't get too many decent shots. Thanks, as always, for stopping by. Make sure you check back towards the end of the month for a fun little contest that I'm going to run (I mean, obviously you all come every single day, but just to make sure). See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya.

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