Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 127: The Student Has Become the Master

I did it. All of you who said I couldn't, you were wrong. But I don't think anyone ever told me that, so...

Ali, Amy, Erik and Meeeee

Obviously, I didn't take that photo. See? I'm there on the right. I just thought I'd throw one up there of some of my fellow grad pals.

I went to my friend Ben's house (his wife Ashlee also graduated today, but only went to the main ceremony; I only went to the departmental one) for a graduation party that he threw for her. It was a great time, and I got to hang out with my mom and Erin and Reggie and Adam and Ben and Ashlee and their family. I took some photos there of us playing some ladder ball and hanging out, but I'm only sharing this one.

1/6 sec. exposure at F/11. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

I was trying to mess with forced perspective. The hula dancer is actually the same height as the palm tree. I placed the tree on a small box to raise it, and then placed the dancer in the forefront. I actually think that I pulled it off relatively well. It kind of looks like, if you were to move her closer to the tree, that she would be a different size. Hooray me!

I'm super sleepy. And my mom is bugging me to look at yesterday's blog post. So yeah... Tomorrow will I see you.


  1. Hey Brandon! Congratulations on graduating. That's so awesome. :-)

  2. Brandon, Congradulations! haha, but really, congratulations! I'm so happy for you, you smarty pants : )
