Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 212: Check and Mate

I set up my chess board today (just for these photos, not to play unfortunately). I like how these came out, especially with the blinds/light on the wall in the background.

1/40 sec. exposure at F/4.5. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

1/100 sec. exposure at F/4.5. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

1/320 sec. exposure at F/3.5. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

Day 211: Better Late Than Never

Sorry. I know this is a day late (again). But after waking up at 3:45 and not getting home until 9:30, I was pretty wiped out. So here are a couple of photos from Pittsburgh yesterday.

Photo composited in Aperture using Photomatix HDR Plug-In.
Click image for larger version.

1/125 sec. exposure at F/11. ISO 400.
Click image for larger version.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 210: A Walk With the Dead

Went up the store this evening to get some bread and took a stroll through the cemetery by the one church. The graves are really old. 17 and 1800s old. Here's a photo, then I'm off to bed. I have to be up at 4 a.m. tomorrow. Fun fun fun.

1/80 sec. exposure at F/3.5. ISO 200.
click image for larger version.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 209: Key, Key, Gravity

I was walking back from the back at work today and I was tossing my keys in the air and catching them. Of course, my next thought was, "Take a photo." So that's what I did. And it was really hard to keep the keys in the frame when I was throwing them myself. But I got one good one, and here it is.

1/400 sec. exposure at F/3.5. ISO 1600.
Click image for larger version.

Day 208: Cookie Monster

Sorry this is a few hours late. I wasn't feeling well yesterday, and I went to bed early before I had time to post this. These are a couple of cookies (vegan) that I made on Tuesday (with quite a bit of help from Erin, I might add). They are delicious and make me happy that I picked up the vegan baking book that I did.

1/80 sec. exposure at F/3.5. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 207: I Canoe, Can You?

Erin and I went on a little canoe trip today. It was pretty fun. This little building (well, what was left of it) was right by the boat rental place.

Photo composited in Aperture using Photomatix HDR Plug-In.
Click image for larger version.

Photo composited in Aperture using Photomatix HDR Plug-In.
Click image for larger version.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 206: Lovers, Dreamers, and Me

It rained today. A lot. But then it was sunny briefly, which equals rainbows. So here are some photos I took today. Some of rain; some of rain with bows.

1/200 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 800. Flash used.
Click image for larger version.

1/320 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 1600.
Click image for larger version.

1/4000 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

1/200 sec. exposure at F/32. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

Photo composited in Aperture using Photomatix HDR Plug-In.
Click image for larger version.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 205: Double Down

I was on my way outside to take some photos tonight (of what, I had no idea) when this image caught my eye. I love how reflections can create the same look as a double exposure sometimes.

.5 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 1600.
Click image for larger version.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day 204: Shelf Life

Took this at work today. This is exactly how it looked and I thought it was neat.

1/10 sec. exposure at F/9. ISO 400. Cropped.
Click image for larger version.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 203: Rear Window

It was crazy raining on my way home from Pittsburgh today. What better way to pass the time than to take photos while driving? Yeah, I do realize that probably wasn't the best idea.

1/200 sec. exposure at F/5. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

1/160 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 202: Light and Stuff

Here's a photo of my floor lap shining on the wall. Sorry so brief.

1/8 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 201: Old Brandon Hubbard

My cupboards are pretty bare right now. Ah beloved summertime. Here's a photo of me looking for something, anything to snack on...

1/25 sec. exposure at F/3.5. ISO 800. Flash used.
Click image for larger version.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 200: I Wouldn't Cross It

What?! How did this happen? My bicentennial. Or whatever the daily equivalent of that is. And what a fantastic day it has been. I got to see Harry Potter and fight back tears. Then I found out I'm gonna be an extra in this super awesome film that they're shooting in Pittsburgh in a couple of weeks. I'm pretty stoked. That said, here's a mediocre photo to commemorate the day.

1/800 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 199: Two Calculators Go Walking In a Park

I was really bored at work today. So I did this. Enjoy. I call it "A Walk In the Park" or "Hello and Hi" or "Dog Walkers Greeting One Another" or "Math Park". Pick one. I don't care.

1/15 sec. exposure at F/3.5. ISO 200.
Click image for larger version.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 198: Half a Man

I was bored today, so I shaved half of my face then took some photos. Yeah. I know. My face was greasy...

1/15 sec. exposure at F/4.5. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

1/10 sec. exposure at F/4.5. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 197: Lovely Rita

Took this one as I was leaving work today. Used the flash to fill in the meter enough to keep the sky blue.

1/200 sec. exposure at F/6.3. ISO 100. Flash used.
Click image for larger version.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 196: CAN You Get Any Closer?

No. Unfortunately I cannot. Not without a different lens, at least.

1/8 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 195: It's a Snap

Took another walk up to the store today. The grocery store, to avoid confusion. Heh. I walked a different way today though, and took one shot of a power/electricity hub-thingy. And another one, of a Snap-On Tools truck parked in the grocery store parking lot. I'm really happy with how that one came out.

1/250 sec. exposure at F/9. ISO 400.
Click image for larger version.

Photo composited in Aperture using Photomatix HDR Plug-In.
Click image for larger version.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 194: Go Greyhound

I was in Eastern PA last night and most of today, visiting and meeting Erin's parents. It was a very nice trip. They have some greyhound rescues, and (while I tried getting some shots of most of them) only one (Chloe) would actually sit still long enough for me to do so. Understandably so. These pups have gone through a lot in their lives, and the last thing they probably want is some weirdo shoving a camera in their faces.

But I did get some good ones of Chloe, so here ya go.

1/1000 sec. exposure at F/4.5. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

1/1000 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

1/1000 sec. exposure at F/4. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 193: Beaming

Took this photo when Erin and I stopped for gas on our way to her house (in her hometown, not in Indiana). I think it was near State College-ish. At a Sheetz. In the parking lot.

1/250 sec. exposure at F/9. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 192: We Can Watch the Sky Burn

I'm not feeling so hot right now. I ate too much chips and salsa ate dinner tonight. As it stands, I snapped these shots quickly tonight because it was making me feel worse being outside. That's why there are houses and poles and wires and trees in these shots, when I otherwise would have tried to get a better angle/vantage. Either way, it's about the sky. These are completely unaltered.

1/8 sec exposure at F/9. ISO 400.
Click image for larger version.

1/10 sec. exposure at F/9. ISO 400.
Click image for larger version.

1/15 sec. exposure at F/9. ISO 400.
Click image for larger version.

1/10 sec. exposure at F/9. ISO 400.
Click image for larger version.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 191: Clever Title

I walked to the store today, and these are the photos I took. Enjoy.

1/160 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

1/60 sec. exposure at F/4. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day 190: I'm Tired; Here's a Fork

Yep. The title pretty much says it all. Funny thing is, I actually really like this photo, and I took it because I couldn't think of anything else to shoot today. Strange how that works sometimes.

.3 sec exposure at F/4.5. ISO 400.
Click image for larger version.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 189: Bubbalicious

Didn't really know what I should take pictures of today, so I snapped a shot of my pot with soapy water in it after I made spaghetti for dinner. What? I can't give you gems everyday, remember?

1/15 sec. exposure at F/4.5. ISO 400.
Click image for larger version.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 188: So Close, Yet So Far Away

Today I wanted to mess with depth of field a little bit. More specifically I wanted to have a lot of depth of field (so more of the background is in focus), just to see what it'd look like. Here are two (basically) identical images. The first has a shallow depth; the second, a farther depth.

1/100 sec. exposure at F/3.5. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

.4 sec. exposure at F/22. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

I'm not sure which I like better. I guess it would depend on what I was trying to do...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 187: Zoo're Welcome

Erin and I went to the Pittsburgh Zoo today. It was really fun and I had a great time. I have mixed feelings about zoos. It's cool to see so many different animals, but it makes me sad to see them like that. Anyway, here are some photos of animals in captivity.

1/250 sec. exposure at F/8. ISO 200.
Click image for larger version.

Photo composited in Aperture using Photomatix HDR Plug-In.
Click image for larger version.

1/500 sec. exposure at F/4.5. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version

1/160 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 400.
Click image for larger version.

Photo composited in Aperture using Photomatix HDR Plug-In.
Click image for larger version.

1/125 sec. exposure at F/11. ISO 200.
Click image for larger version.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 186: The Writing On the Wall

I've been wanting to stop at this underpass for a while now, but just finally did today. These are all HDR images of the graffiti underneath on the pillars.

Photo composited in Aperture using Photomatix HDR Plug-In.
Click image for larger version.

Photo composited in Aperture using Photomatix HDR Plug-In.
Click image for larger version.

I really like how the first one came out, with half of the photo being a pillar, and the other half being the space below the underpass. Also, whenever I hear underpass in my head while typing, it instantly makes me think of underpants. And on that note...