Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 77: Fool on a Hill

Today is a fairly unexciting post. Not that that's anything new. It was an absolutely, completely, 100% gorgeous day outside today. Which meant, again, I'd rather have done other things than walk around taking photos. Once the newness of Spring wears off I'm sure I'll be able to get out and enjoy the weather for photographic purposes. As for now, I spent the day playing racquetball and golfing. And playing Red Dead (I'm really regretting this paper right now).

While I was on my way home from racquetball (and before golf), I got stuck towards the bottom of the hill leading into Elderton, PA. Stuck meaning in traffic, not breakdown stuck. So I snagged my camera and took these two photos while I was waiting there.

1/15 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

1/125 sec. exposure at F/5. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

Obviously that first photo is overexposed. I took it as my car was slowly creeping forward which gave it the blur effect. It was completely accidental, but I kind of like how it came out, especially with the sun just peeking over the crest. The other one is evenly exposed, but I was hoping the sun would have been in that one too. Alas, I was too far under the hill at that point.

My pizza is reading (mmmmm.....Tofurkey). And I'm going to leave that sentence because it's funny. I meant to say, my pizza is ready. But my fingers are apparently faster than my brain right now. Off to Deliciousville!

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