Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 332: Condensed

I did a load of laundry tonight, and it always steams up the laundry room. This is the window on the back door.

1/15 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 331: As American As...

You guessed it.

1/30 sec. exposure at F/4.5. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

Days 326-330: Playing Ketchup

Sorry for the lack of posts over the holiday. I was away from reliable internet (and the internet at Barnes and Noble is too slow to upload images). I'm just gonna do one sweeping post from the whole weekend to catch up through yesterday. Sorry for not including the photo stats. I'll have today's photo(s) a little later.

Wed, #326: Mom's cat Maddy

Thurs, #327: Thanksgiving Sunset

Fri, #328: Kohen

Sat, #329: Devan in a Tree

Sun, #330: Kohen Some More (Ignore the snot...)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 325: Return O' Da Pot Pie

I tried to capture the steam emanating from my veggie pot pie that I had for dinner this evening. You can kind of see it, but my eyes were seeing much, much more.

1/15 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

Day 324: Study Place

Took this at the librrrary.

1/30 sec. exposure at F/10. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Day 323: Lazy Sunday... Sort Of

After getting quite a bit of school work done today, I decided to veg out the rest of the day. That included a veggie pizza. Hah!

1/30 sec. exposure at F/3.5. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 322: Who You Callin' a Lady?

There was a ladybug in the window today, so I crawled up there and got nice and close. Actually as close as possible with what my lens would allow.

Photo composited in Aperture using Photomatix HDR Plug-In.
Click image for larger version.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 321: Mothman Prophecy

Caught a ginormous moth in a cup. Here's a photo of it.

1/160 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 320: On My Porch

There was some snow. Not as much snow as there was earlier in the evening, but still some snow.

1/10 sec. exposure at F/5. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

Day 319: Me In Balls

Ben and I did some Christmas decorating the store today, and I thought it was cool how there were so many mes in the balls. Weird sentence, right? Just look at the picture.

1/40 sec. exposure at F/5. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 318: We Be Clubbin'

Golf clubs is what they be. Yeah yeah!

1/6 sec. exposure at F/4. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 317: Witty Title

I couldn't think of anything fun to title this one. Sue me.

1/1250 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

1/1250 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 316: Park, Or...

The parking lot was pretty empty when I left the library tonight. It made for an interesting shot. I kinda like it.

1/10 sec. exposure at F/3.5. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

Day 315: Stamp the Yard

Here're some stamps. Kind of blurry. Didn't realize that until it was on my computer. Oh well.

1/6 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 314: Make a Wish

It's 11/11/11. What did you wish for?

1/80 sec. exposure at F/5. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 313: It's About That Time...

If you haven't already figured out from erratic posting lately, I'm getting into the not-so-much-fun part of the semester. Here's a few of the books I still need to slug through...

1/8 sec. exposure at F/3.5. ISO 400.
Click image for larger version.

Day 312: Mmmm.... Chocolaaaate....

Here's what remained of a dark chocolate bar I bought. I swear I didn't eat it all in one sitting. But two, yeah. That would be true.

1/40 sec. exposure at F/4.5. ISO 200.
Click image for larger version.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 311: Power Supply

Yep. That's what this is.

1/6 sec. exposure at F/4.5. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

Day 310: Breakin' the Fast

Here's my cereal.

1/15 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 309: Lamplight

Took these when I was leaving the library tonight.

1/25 sec. exposure at F/5. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

.4 sec. exposure at F/8. ISO 200.
Click image for larger version.

Day 308: Chappy

Waited to long to photo today, so here's my chapstick on one of my cd racks.

1/13 sec. exposure at F/4.5. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 307: Philly in HDR

As promised yesterday, here are some photos from Philly that I did in HDR. Hope you enjoy!

Photo composited in Aperture using Photomatix HDR Plug-In
Click image for larger version.

Photo composited in Aperture using Photomatix HDR Plug-In
Click image for larger version.

Photo composited in Aperture using Photomatix HDR Plug-In
Click image for larger version.

And my personal favorite.

Photo composited in Aperture using Photomatix HDR Plug-In
Click image for larger version.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 306: Philly Day 1

I am here in Philadelphia, PA for a conference tomorrow, and I spent some time walking around a bit today. I've decided to split what I've taken into two days since I'm wiped out right now. Today I will share regular photos, and tomorrow I will share some HDR stuff.

1/320 sec. exposure at F/8. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

1/125 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

1/8 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 400.
Click image for larger version.

1/200 sec. exposure at F/4.5. ISO 400.
Click image for larger version.

.3 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

Day 305: Is Late... I Know

I had a very late night last night, and didn't get home until about 4:30 in the a.m. (today, actually). Then I woke up about 7:30 in the a.m. That's not many a.m.'s between those times. Then drove five hours to Philadelphia (photos to come). Here are a couple of photos I took yesterday though.

1/4000 sec. exposure at F/8. ISO 200.
Click image for larger version.

Photo composited in Aperture using Photomatix HDR Plug-In.
Click image for larger version.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 304: Frosty Morn

Woke up and it was super frosty, but kind of cool looking outside.

1/125 sec. exposure at F/5. ISO 200.
Click image for larger version.