Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 181: Walking Back

Took a stroll around Indiana after work today. Hit some of my favorite backside-of-Philly-St. photo spots, and found a new one. I really like taking pictures of the backs of buildings that are on a main street like this. On the front, you see this clean, perfect facade, but then looking at the backs of the same buildings--at the parts that aren't normally seen--it's a view of decay and crumbling. Anyway, here are my photos.

1/60 sec. exposure at F/9. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

1/15 sec. exposure at F/9. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 180: And the Clouds in the Sky

Went for a walk today around good ol' Elderton. The clouds were really cool today, so I wanted to make sure to get some shots of them. Fluffy and many.

1/125 sec. exposure at F/9. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 179: Oh Good. You Can Count.

Tried to take some photos of the night sky tonight, but wasn't having much luck. Since it was getting so late, I just came inside and snapped a photo of some geek counters. We use this for such geeky things as Magic and D & D. Yep. I just went there.

.4 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 1600.
Click image for larger version.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 178: Horsin' Around

Went down to Greensburg this evening with  Miss Erin. On the way back we passed a farm with a horse by a tree. I asked her to stop; she agreed. I then proceeded to snap away.

1/250 sec. exposure at F/4.5. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

1/125 sec. exposure at F/7.1. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

1/60 sec. exposure at F/7.1. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 177: Green Day

I went on a little photo adventure today, and (after a brief detour to get my memory card which I forgot to put back in my camera!) I got some pretty cool shots I think.

The first is from one of the roads I was on on my way to the park.

Photo composited in Aperture using Photomatix HDR Plug-In.
Click image for larger version.

Then I found a butterfly once I started walking around the park (Crooked Creek State Park, to be precise). This is also the only photo without a crap-ton of green it it.

1/640 sec. exposure at F/7.1. ISO 200.
Click image for larger version.

This tree (actually, there were several of them, but this was the only one I photographed) had leaves that were two shades of green.

1/400 sec. exposure at F/7.1. ISO 200.
Click image for larger version.

And these last few are some HDR composites of a tree by a pond.

Photo composited in Aperture using Photomatix HDR Plug-In.
Click image for larger version.

Photo composited in Aperture using Photomatix HDR Plug-In.
Click image for larger version.

Photo composited in Aperture using Photomatix HDR Plug-In.
Click image for larger version.

All in all a good day out taking some faux toes. I even took my film camera with me and took a few flower shots with that. Once I finish the roll and get it developed I want to get the roll scanned and have a day where I show some of those off. I'm interested to see how much difference there is between film and digital (not that I'm taking identical pictures to compare with; that would make too much sense). Huzzah!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 176: Cloud Mountain

I was driving back from the grocery store tonight and noticed this massive, hulking cloud in the sky. It was so big that it almost looked like a mountain in contrast with the rest of the sky.

1/20 sec. exposure at F/10. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

It's supposed to be nice tomorrow, so my plan is to get outside for some photos. But when does the weather ever cooperate?

Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 175: Mic Check, 2,1,212

Did some recording tonight. Took some photos afterwards. This is one of them. This is the best of them. Off this weekend. Hope to get out some. But the weather will probably be bad. Boo.

1/6 sec. exposure at F/5. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 174: Champ

Waited to take photos again. I know, I know. What can I say? I'm just a bit lazy in the summer. Also, broke. Big time broke, but that's the life of a college student. Here is today's photo. It's of our blue chair and floor lamp.

30 sec. exposure at F/8. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

Funny part is, the house was pitch black when I took this. The only light was coming from the TV. Yet you can't tell that from the above photo. I actually wanted it to be darker; the TV was giving the room a blue-ish glow, but any shorter/darker exposures ended up completely blacking out most of the frame. I stink, I guess....

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 173: Serenity

Lots of fireflies out tonight. I tried to shoot some, but it wasn't working out too well. Here's what I got.

This is the only one that I got a bunch to show up at once. Which is what I was trying to do, but found extremely difficult.

2 sec. exposure at F/4.5. ISO 800.
Click image for larger version.

Looking at the rest, there aren't really anything in them worth posting on here. Maybe I'll give it another shot on another night, but not tonight. Tonight is done. Yeah.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 172: Dark and Ominous

Waited to take photos again today, and missed daylight. Took this at home tonight messing around with my flashlight in the hallway. I've been doing better with photos lately, so you'll have to deal with these stinkers.

6 sec. exposure at F/3.5. ISO 400.
Click image for larger version.

1.6 sec. exposure at F/3.5. ISO 1600.
Click image for larger version.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 171: Flower of Some Sort

Here's a flower from my neighbor's yard. I sleep now. Thank you.

1/15 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 400.
Click image for larger version.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 170: SunDCy

Went down to Pittsburgh today for an open casting call for extras for some movie they're shooting there this summer. You may have heard of it. It's called Magnus Rex. I don't know. Supposed to be pretty big, I hear. These are the photos I took while wandering the streets after.

Photo composited in Aperture using Photomatix HDR Plug-In.
Click image for larger version.

Photo composited in Aperture using Photomatix HDR Plug-In.
Converted to Black and White in Aperture.
Click image for larger version.

1/6 sec. exposure at F/5. ISO 400.
Click image for larger version.

1/5 sec. exposure at F/3.5. ISO 400.
Click image for larger version.
I think I like the black and white one and the red drain pipe/hose hook-up one the best. What do you all think? No one's commenting anymore, and I'm starting to feel unloved. Sniff, sniffle, sniff.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 169: I Hate Cars...

I understand that cars, specifically classic ones, have an appeal for some people. I in no way wish to take that away from anyone; they're just not for me. That being said, here's a photo of a classic car. There was a car show in downtown Indiana today that pretty much killed any business into the Book Nook. I was bored, and therefore frustrated when I left work and didn't really feel like taking any photos today. So I took this one and let it be...

1320 sec. exposure at F/4. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 168: 39 Is the Tiniest Number

This was sitting on the floor at work today. I put my foot in the shot to give you an idea of how tiny this scrap of paper-number was. No idea what it came from either. It reminded me of the letter that I found on the sidewalk a while ago (it's in here somewhere, I just don't feel like digging through old posts to find it!).

1/60 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 1600.
Click image for larger version.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 167: (Rain)Drop It Like It's Hot

It rained. But rather than let it get me down today, I snuck out quickly in between precipitatings and took these photos. Hope you likey!

1/25 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 1600.
Click image for larger version.

1/40 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 1600.
Click image for larger version.

1/40 sec. exposure at F/4.5. ISO 1600.
Click image for larger version.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 166: It's Me and the Moon, She Says

Clear night tonight, plus the moon was out. Bonus for me! I'm glad I waited to take pictures until late. I really wish I had a lens with better zoom though, so I could get some really great shots. Until then, these will half two due. N-johee.

15 sec. exposure at F/10. ISO 1600.
Click image for larger version.

Photo composited in Aperture using Photomatix HDR Plug-In.
Click image for larger version.

That second one came out really noisy when I ran it through the HDR software (which is understandable, considering a majority of the original images were black-heavy). Rather than fix it, I tried to use it to my advantage. I kind of like how it came out.

Someday I'll have a nice zoom lens and you'll be able to see the moon for more than just a ball of light. Someday....

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 165: No Cats Were Harmed In the Taking of This Photograph

Took another trip to the Mattress Factory in Pittsburgh today. That place is so awesome. Some of the art there is really mind blowing. I found this spray-painted cat outside (not an actual cat that was spray painted, by the way).

1/4 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

1/4 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 164: The Answer, My Friend, Is Blowing In the Wind

I tried to capture some branches blowing in the wind today, but they didn't really come out how I had hoped. Oh well. Enjoy anyway.

.4 sec. exposure at F/18. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

And I also took this one...

1/100 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

Okay. That is it. Byeeeee.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 163: Ditto

More shots similar to yesterday's of the empty Philadelphia St. in downtown Indiana. The first is a darker exposure that I took to use as an HDR image, but I liked the darkness of it that I just kept it as is. The second is an HDR image that I converted into a sepia tone in Aperture. Hope you lieeek.

1/200 sec. exposure at F/13. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

Photo composited in Aperture using Photomatix HDR Plug-In.
Sepia conversion in Aperture.
Click image for larger version.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 162: When You're Alone and Life is Making You Lonely... can always go, DOWNtown. They closed off part of Philly St. today (specifically the part in front of our store, which made for quite a boring day). But the benefit of being bored out of my mind at work meant being able to walk in the middle of the street and get some interesting shots that I couldn't have otherwise. Like this...

1/40 sec. exposure at F/5.6. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

And this...

1/13 sec. exposure at F/13. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

After I took these, I walked the long way around the block back to my car and found this neat little alley/walk/between-building way. This is an HDR composited image.

Photo composited in Aperture using Photomatix HDR Plug-In.
Click image for larger version.

I think the street is going to be closed again tomorrow, so maybe I'll get some more shots of downtown after work tomorrow. We'll see. See. Ya.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 161: Going Blind

Quick post today. Sorry for that. Sleepy, with work in the a.m. Deal with it. I am. Enjoy the photos.

1/160 sec. exposure at F/4. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

1/160 sec. exposure at F/4. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 160: Oh, What a Tangled Mess We Leave

Adam and I have been podcasting for what seems like non-stop all week this week, trying to stay on top of E3 coverage. Rather than put everything away every night, we've just been leaving the mics and cables and etc. and stuff strewn about the living room. I liked how it looked. These photos I took(ed).

1/4 sec. exposure at F/5. ISO 400.
Click image for larger version.

.5 sec. exposure at F/5. ISO 400.
Click image for larger version.

.3 sec. exposure at F/5. ISO 400.
Click image for larger version.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 159: Shoop, Shoobay Doop, Shoobay Doobay Doobay Doop

Here I go, here I go, here I go. Well, here I went. To Tres Amigos for dinner. Where I shot the salt and pepper shakers on our table. And here they are. Good night.

1/13 sec. exposure at F/3.5. ISO 400.
Click image for larger version.

1/13 sec. exposure at F/4. ISO 400.
Click image for larger version.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 158: Pan, Meet Cake

Made some tasty raspberry/strawberry pancakes (vegan, of course) for dinner tonight with a side of fake bacon (fakon?). It was quite, quite delicious. Here is a photo of my dinner, pre-devouring.

.3 sec. exposure at F/5. ISO 400.
Click image for larger version.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 157: Mow, Mow, Mow Your.... Boat?

Today I've been watching E3 live streams all day with Adam for (go there, sign up, make friends, enjoy), so I'm feeling pretty fried right now. I decided to go out and take photos of our lawn mower (mostly because of its proximity to our house). Here they are (and actually... they aren't that bad!).

1/50 sec. exposure at F/6.3. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

1/60 sec. exposure at F/5. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

1/25 sec. exposure at F/5. ISO 100.
Click image for larger version.

Back to more E3. At least it's time for Sony (which is the only one I really want to watch for personal reasons; the rest are cool for what they are too though). Go to for more game related updates (yeah, cheap ploy; I know).